Tuesday 9 July 2024

 Weird, Unusual & Quirky 

'Art of Kuriology' sculptures on eBay 

Listed for auction on ebay.co.uk

Auction ends Sunday 14th July 2024

Find them on ebay UK here:-


Yes, Kuriology is back on ebay UK!

Clearing out the creative vats of our (almost secret) Art Laboratory 

& releasing creatures into the wild via eBay.

Handcrafted unique, strange & diverse, often cryptid Taxidermy Art creatures.

Any one of which would make interesting special additions to any 

Cabinet of Curiosities collection.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

 Art of Kuriology is back !

After a break of several years Art of Kuriology is back

To launch our return we took part in 

Cornwall Open Studios 2024 

with an Art Instillation

An abandoned (almost secret) Art Laboratory

Filled with exotic strange weird perculiar unusual cryptid creature creations which may just have emerged from a mad genetics scientists laboratory.



  Now the Cornwall open studios 2024 season is over we are dismantling our Art installation.

  Individiual Kuriology sculptures from the instillation being listed on eBay UK - although to date most are being snapped up & heading for the USA

Kuriology sculpture listings may be found here:- 
